Communications and Utilities

The cable, communication and utility industries are ever-evolving in the world of change and innovation.

Increasing capital requirements, ageing infrastructure, competitive alternatives, rising operating costs (i.e. programming costs, environmental costs, etc.) and growing governmental requirements are common challenges.

These challenges are putting pressure on the industry to find other sources of cash.

Many of ERA’s clients lack the resources or have a limited depth of knowledge of each of their supplier’s and their industries.

It merely is cost prohibitive and impractical to allocate additional and experienced resources to less strategic costs.

As a result, meaningful dollars are being left on the table in many cost areas like a small package and LTL freight, merchant card and banking fees, office supplies, copiers, uniforms, waste, insurance, MRO/field consumables and fleet, to mention a few.

ERA Group has the unique ability to find the hidden cash because of our understanding of the cable, communication and utility business industries.

Additionally, we have a comprehensive knowledge of each supplier’s industry. As such, we can benchmark against the market to ensure our clients are paying the right value for products and services of equal or often, better quality.

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Telecom Provider Finds up to 49% Savings in 6 Categories

Telecommunication Multiple 2018

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